0490 494 111 [email protected]


Consulting in all areas in South East Queensland including Brisbane, Moreton Bay Region, Logan City Council, Moreton Bay Island & Redlands, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Somerset, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Rockhampton & Yepoon

Bushfire Hazard Assessment

Site inspection to ground truth Council’s mapping.

The coarse grain of Bushfire Hazard mapping can mean individual sites may be captured with an inaccurate hazard rating.  Evaluation of the site surrounds, distances, vegetation type and structure, together with the slope of the land confirms the bushfire hazard and the risk it will pose to an individual site.

BAL Assessment report (Bushfire Attack Level)

This assessment is the fundamental requirement for
Building Approvals and regulatory compliance with the Building Code of Australia.  It is required by the Building Certifier for Building Assessment and Approval.  Site inspection to verify conditions is included.

BAL Assessment reporting is in accordance with Australian Standard AS 3959-2018 Construction of buildings in Bushfire Prone areas.  The BAL level determines the construction requirements for the project.

Method 1 evaluation is standard.

Method 2 is the detailed procedure using calculations to determine the radiant heat exposure and Bushfire Attack Level.  This method may provide lower BAL ratings than Method 1 in some site conditions.

It is the required method of assessment for steeper locations.

Bushfire Risk Minimisation

For subdivisions in bushfire prone areas, we can work with your Architect or designer to provide design advice and evaluate options for locating sites and roads/paths to minimise bushfire risk, provide appropriate access/egress and establish the BAL rating ranges for individual lots.

Bushfire attack occurs principally through

  • Embers
  • Radiant Heat
  • Direct Flame Contact
  • Wind adding to fire attack
  • and a combination of these methods of attack.

The appropriate standard of construction, according to the BAL rating, is just one of the elements that reduces the risk of house loss.

A combination of measures and the ongoing maintenance of these, increases the survival of buildings.

  • Asset Protection Zone design with minimal fine fuels and maintenance in perpetuity
  • Shielding walls and landscape elements to protect the building from radiant heat attack
  • Landscape screening to protect from ember attack and fire generated wind
  • Safe access for firefighting personnel and reliable water source dedicated for firefighting.

House Siting Advice

Siting the house optimally on your site can be the simplest method to reduce the BAL rating and construction requirements. Early siting advice can potentially save you thousands in construction costs.

Bushfire Management Plan

A Bushfire Management Plan can be prepared as supporting documentation for Development Assessments. It is prepared to Queensland State Planning Policy guidelines and addresses Council requirements.

Subdivision Design Layout Advice

For subdivisions in bushfire prone areas, we can work with your Architect or designer to provide design advice and evaluate options for locating sites and roads/paths to minimise bushfire risk, provide appropriate access/egress and establish the BAL rating ranges for individual lots.